13 – 17 years – 10 Class Term) and
ADVANCED ACTING FOR CAMERA (18 – 19 years – 10 Class Term)
During the 10 classes participants will explore the tools necessary for creating honest and truthful performances. Using many of the techniques taught on Bow Street’s full time adult courses students will experience:
This is a practical, hands-on course working under Bow Street’s strick health and safety Covid guidelines of mask wearing, 2 meter distancing and regular hand washing. All YSA tutors are professional working actors who have also trained extensively in Bow Street. The duration of each term is 10 workshops. Class sizes have been reduced to ensure participants get the most out of each session and term as a whole.
Child protection is given a high priority in Bow Street, by the Director, Tutors and Staff.
We want to ensure that all the young actors practice and perform in a safe, caring and secure
environment. We organise that all our teachers are vetted by the National Vetting Bureau (NVB) before being allowed to interact with any students. You can download our Child Safeguarding Statement HERE.
DOWNLOAD BOOKING forms and return via email to ysa@bowstreet.ie
COURSE DATES: Next term begins
April 5th 2025
11am – 1pm
2pm – 4pm
COST: €360 per term